Sunday 20 December 2015

When Petani is ranting…

Many of my twitter followers thought that my tweet will be about how to plant stuff and tweet my daily routine from my farm. People expect me to explain technical term in agriculture which I don’t obtained from any learning institution. My technical knowledge is pretty limited in a way that I inherited knowledge from my late father. Obviously, I am not in the agriculture field. I was a rocket scientist before :D!  I am here for many reasons.  

I tweet policy matters and stuff to upbringing the agriculture image. I am capitalizing my good looking ‘sindir-menyindir’ skills to ask questions that no other Petani at my age will do. I asked questions and it does not mean I am against it but I am giving the different perspective.  I am offering reality view! All issues in agriculture will be my subject … kononnya ‘arm-chair’ watchdog lagaknya :P

Why I am such a little bitch ranting in the twitter for unknown purpose? Some were looking at my critical views as an attempt to outsmart them (?) …an institution perhaps :P  huhu  I bet they should read between the lines.  Yes I am critical bitch and I bite! I object the formality of being ‘agreeculture in organisation’ and substitute with reality.

I am new breed Petani version 2.0 with Gen-Y gene. I am your nightmare if you treat me like a poor peasant. I am the voice and a tax payer!

Well… don’t take it seriously because I am here to help you in upbringing agriculture image in this country. It is time for this country to have smart committed young Petani like me. Kan?

Majulah Pertanian untuk Negara!

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